
3. What would you do if you were Principal for a day?

What would you do if you were Principal for a day?

If I were a principal for a day, I would collect information from others who teach, study, and work in the school. First of all, my secretary would arrange the interviews with the board of directors, deans of each subject department, and the president of each student association. I would chat with them one by one. This chatting is more like a short talk between friends. I would ask what we would improve and his feelings about our school. I would write the points down.

Originally, the time of one day is so short. After interviewing these significant people, I would walk around the campus with my booklet, and then I would chat with students at random. The point would be what they felt when they study in the school and what problems they faced. I would carefully listen to their request and thoughts and record in my booklet. I think it would take whole my day collecting these crucial information. In the evening, I would turn back to my office and classify these records. Furthermore, when the students of night school come to school, I would do the mission again.

Later, I would handle all of the information and leave some messages to the next principal. The messages would display what people in this school need and what things have to be modified immediately. Finally, I would go to find out an ATM and transfer all of my money into my really parents’ account. It would be my bonus for a day. I would become a rich man another day…

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