
Winter Vacation–Vincent Van Gogh II

For a man, power, career, and love are the main support. Vincent Van Gogh lost all of them. When he wanted to follow his father’s step to become a priest, he did not have consensus with others at the time, and then he quit. Later, he would like to be a teacher, but he was accused of making a peasant’s girl pregnant. The only thing he could control his painting. That is why his painting were more and more marvelous because he represented his fierce feeling through the painting. Finally, Vincent lost himself. There are two shocking events/something mysterious about his life. First, he cut his left ear for no reason. It is a rumor that he argued with his friend, Gauguin, and then Gauguin hurt him. Then, Vincent announced that he did that by himself in order to protect his best friend from lawsuit. Second, why would Vincent commit suicide? Vince wrote about 600 letters to his friends and his younger brother. However, at the end of his life, he lived with his brother so that we don’t have any letters to explain why Vincent would commit suicide. It will be a secret forever.

