I can use indigo wave to connect with the past and the future. When I touch a radio and any things which can connect with the wave, the information from the past and the future can be transmitted back. It would broadcast the news or programs from the time. Although I can gain a lot of information which does not happen yet, I cannot change the past and the future. Once I tried to go buying a lottery, but the number was changed. And it is still the same man who won the lottery. Furthermore, I tried to save a person who would have a car accident. I helped him prevent from the accident, but he had a heart attack at the same time. After that, I knew that I cannot change the future. Nevertheless, I assume this super power as a recreation, so I seldom used it after I knew the truth. I was first time to gain this super power because of another accident. At that time, I played with junior high school classmate. We used antennas as swords to play each other. Suddenly, there was a lightning hitting my antennas. I lost my conscious, but didn’t get any hurt. My classmate tried to waken me up. Later, my body started shinning indigo. It gradually transformed into a tiny indigo scar. Right now it stays on my forehead, and I have a power to connect with the wave from radio.