If I were an animal, I would be a black widow. Cheating on men is my interest because it helps me create my sense of achievement, satisfying my desire. Just like the black widow, we use our glamorous shape to attract our preys. Truly, I want to revenge all of the men who thirst to touch me. These fool men did not know what happened until they found it out and remained nothing.
The black widows’ webs are like my tricks that catch our targets. I am such a talented and beautiful girl that these men contribute everything to me. It is a kind of glory, and trigger me excited. In order to supply their nutrition, black widows will bite off their spouse’s head after mating. After gaining everything from the men, I will throw them away. Meanwhile, they lost their fortune, reputation, and position. The more painful they felt, the funnier I got.
Men are the most lustful animals in the world. No matter how they express loving you. Sex is the only thing that they long to get. It is their weakness. Black widows and I use the nature gift to content our requirements…
Honestly, this story is really hard to write. I try to simulate that bad woman’s feeling, and then I failed. However, I think women are the greatest creatures. Also, there are many significant events because of women’s efforts. I spent triple time creating this story. Any way, it is a good try…