Autumn is my favorite season. It was said that there are four seasons in the past, and autumn was the most comfortable weather. The wind would sway through people’s face. It was a little cool, but you could wear any fashionable and beautiful clothes on the street. I think it was a dream, a pretty dream. Right now it is in the year of 5 billion two thousand nine. The sun disappeared twenty years ago.
At the beginning, plants started withering because they lost the sunshine to activate the photosynthesis. After all of the plants were extinct, some animals could not seek the food. Furthermore, whole food chain was destroyed. In a few years, all of the animals were dead gradually. Although scientists tried to make up the artificial sun, the huge benefit made the plan faulty. On the other hand, the temperature dropped to sixty below zero around the world. Human started moving to earth’s core in order to find out the terrestrial heat. Unfortunately, food crisis made people to slaughter each other. In several years, human beings will face the extreme genocide.
I am reading a book about the earth in 2009. That was a beautiful environment. Even though there were global warming and greenhouse effect at the time, people tried to find out some way to protect the earth. I think it is a lovely era. If I had chance, I wish I could experience the wind of the autumn and lay on the boat in the river…