On this website people can let their toys to become globetrotter. The charge ranges from basic at around US$128 to high-end at nearly US$200. After the traveling, people’s toys safely come back to their home and they accompany their masters on flipping through the photographs which taken in many famous landmarks. Actually, I have done the same thing before. I cycled Taiwan with my wooded owl. At many scenic spots I stopped ridding and took pictures for it. It is really an interesting and fun experience. My owl and I took in the pretty views. Right now he is sitting on my bookshelf. When I feel frustrated, it insidiously encourages me.
yeah, i did something similar when i cycled around tw. what i brought was a plastic black dinosaur. but i gave up after shooting just a few pics of him~
回覆刪除it's okay^^ your brain has already kept this beautiful memory in your mind. It's my pleasure to hear your story. I'm interested in seeing your black dinosaur:)