The press focus on how horrible the military is and who needs to take the responsibility. For me, I supposed that government needs to find out the people who involved in influencing this issue and hurt Jiang at the time. Furthermore, I am more interested in a man, a real man, Jiang’s lawyer. He accompanied with Jiang’s family for ten years. He even did not take any benefit from the family. He tried to reverse the judge. He and Jiang’s family spent ten years doing that. I do not know what kind of energy can offer the layer to keep carrying out this case. I just know he is so great. It is not a movie, story or novel. He is a real man who lives near you and me. What he did really inspire our society.
During dealing with this case, Jiang’s lawyer, Huang Da Yuan, used many ways to cope with and thirst to reverse this case. He and Jiang’s father ran a lot of places to find out any opportunity to change the miserable result. From the report, he said some things about his feeling to the media. The first thing is to insist in fulfilling this case for ten years. After he looked back the past, even he did not believe himself that he can stood for it for this long time. But, he really succeeded in doing it. The second part is that when he accompanied with Jiang’s father to find a member of the Control Yuan. The man said to Jiang’s father, I did not confirm the document yet but I subjectively trusted you by your efforts. When Jiang’s father went to take back Jiang’s body, the supervisors wanted him to sign up the name, and he did not sign his name but wrote down “The justice does not exist”. Huang said that these two things make him feel impressed.
Today we see many unfair and immoral incidents happen in our society. However, less and less people stand out fighting for it. The person like Huang is worth getting our respect. We need to acclaim his upright behavior. I’m so touchy to hear his story. It encourage many people who need the real justice.
This is Huang Da Yuan lawyer’s website: