
To China Survey

To China Survey

I have been assigned to Chine at the end of May. Originally, DPM Amy has been assigned with me. The duty is to survey ASH vendor’s engineering situation. Main topic is delivery schedule. The second is the document submittal. However, Amy has been assigned to LNG for instructing previous project by last week. That means I will be sole to act this journey. I shall arrange the agenda which shall be discuss with ASH vendor first. Also, I shall go there to check their engineers are available and suitable for our design requirement. Until now, I’m totally afraid of ASH vendor’s supporting. I will be sole to face this problem, but why I still would like to go there. Firstly, I would like to challenge myself whether I can be sole to survey the vendors, which can cultivate my personality to deal the issue on my own. Secondly, it is able to extend my view for the international concept. Thirdly, I am really curious that whether the vendor be the suitable response to support this project. That’s why I still need to be there to fight for future.

